Aims and Scope


The aims of the journal are to promote the original content of research and provide a platform for experts and scholars to share their findings in the field of economics, management, social sciences and humanities related to oil palm and/or palm oil globally. The scope of the journal includes but not limited to:

Macro-economic (economic output, economic growth, unemployment, inflation and deflation, investment, monetary policies, trade, etc), micro-economics (choice and demand, consumption and production, profit maximization, market equilibrium, elasticity, forms of competition etc) agricultural economic, environmental economic (theoretical or empirical effects of environmental policies related to palm oil industry on the economy, economic modelling in environmental management, cost-benefit analysis in environmental decision making, environmental planning and its relation to economy, sustainability development, sustainability standards etc), labour economics, behavioural economic, monetary economics, development economics, resource economics, international economics, econometric, health economics, quantitative marketing & economics (QME) and other related areas, international policy developments, including regulatory and standards development that may impact global/regional edible oils production, trade and utilisation.

Organisational and individual level of analysis in the field of management, managerial accounting, finance, banking, advertising, retailing, marketing (consumer behaviour, marketing management or marketing strategy issues), entrepreneurship & creativity, performance, supply chain management, operations management, innovation management, strategic management, brand management, organisational behaviour, managing people, leadership & change management, sustainable decisions & organisations (SDO), business intelligence and other related areas.

Social sciences and humanities
Sociology, psychology, consumer culture, anthropology, corporate governance, development studies, education, ethics, industrial relations, information science, international relations, law, philosophy, political science, public administration, social welfare and other related areas.