(A webinar colloquium for social science postgraduate students) 15 August 2023

The International Palm Oil Economic Colloquium (IPEC) is a biannual colloquium series organised by the Oil Palm Industry Economic Journal (OPIEJ) of the Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) to nurture students’ interest in research and academic publication. This FREE colloquium provides a platform for local and international postgraduate students to present research findings and to exchange experience and knowledge on various fields related to palm oil economics and social.

OPIEJ cordially invites postgraduate students to submit their papers to IPEC 2023. Prospective authors are invited to submit full papers to the IPEC secretariat. Good academic quality presented papers will be offered for publication in OPIEJ and to be rewarded RM300 each upon publication (or receiving DOI number)


IPEC considers academic quality original research works related to palm oil from all areas of social sciences including economics & management, social sciences & humanities and circular economy & sustainability. At the same time, it also welcomes the submission of methodological or theoretical studies with results that are of practical use. Interdisciplinary works will be considered as long as they have substantial economic or social science content.

Abstract submission:

Postgraduate students should submit an abstract of no more than 250 words that outlines the topic, rationale, objectives, theoretical approach and findings.

Deadline for abstract submission: no later than 15 May 2023. Please submit an abstract in PDF-format labelled “First Name_IPEC 2023”. Submissions should be sent via e-mail to Notifications of acceptance will be sent in one week after receiving.

Full paper submission:

If accepted, student participants will need to submit a full paper. Please refer to the OPIEJ format and style guidelines below when writing manuscript.

Deadline for full paper submission: no later than 1 July 2023. Notifications of acceptance for paper presentation will be sent by 15 July 2023.The colloquium will be held on 15 August 2023 in the virtual format.

Paper presenter must be a student of a higher education institution at the time of registration.

Authors are responsible to ensure that the submitted work are original research and does not infringe any existing copyright.

Submitted papers must follow IPEC 2023’s scope and guidelines.

Only accepted good academic quality presented papers will be offered for publication in OPIEJ and to be rewarded RM300 upon publication (or receiving DOI number).