Oil Palm Industry Economic Journal Vol. 14 (1) March 2014 p. 24-33

Malaysian Palm Oil – Moving Ahead to Sustainable Production Growth

Kamalrudin, M S* and Ramli Abdullah
Received:    Accepted:    Available Online:


Malaysian palm oil production has surged in recent decades and the palm oil industry has been transformed to become Malaysia’s key socioeconomic driver. Plans are underway to ensure palm oil continues to be a major growth engine and its production remains sustainable in the future. While undergoing the process of transformation, the industry faces such major issues as labour and land availability that can hinder the sustainability of production growth. This article highlights the continuous efforts made to sustain production growth in Malaysia in the future, focusing on increasing land productivity, replanting, promoting mechanisation and upgrading labour skills. In addition, the article also forecasts long-term palm oil production until 2020, the year targeted for the transformation of Malaysia into a high income economy.

Keywords: palm oil, sustainable production, production growth, production

About Post Author


* Malaysian Palm Oil Board,
6 Persiaran Institusi, Bandar Baru Bangi,
43000 Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia.

E-mail: kamalrudin@mpob.gov.my