The development of POME wastewater treatment using the appropriate bacteria and biological treatment will result in a certain level of management and laboratory abilities that can affect the treatment’s overall effectiveness. POME wastewater treatment requires effective microbes to adapt to shifting possibilities and demands. However, little is known about how is the treatment defined, workings, and its biological approaches with POME wastewater treatment, both on a pilot and larger scale. Not to add, an explanation of wastewater treatment from an economic standpoint as well. This study aims to review POME treatment trends and the relationship between bacteria and treatment, as well as how the biological influences treatment. A descriptive content analysis approach was used to go through 2054 reviews, conceptual, empirical, and commentary pieces that were published in journals from Scopus and Web of Science. Every pertinent piece of information was taken out of each article and examined. Excel software was used to analyse the data that was taken from the publications. Economic view also included. Results revealed that, after removing extraneous material from 2054 articles, only three publications specifically addressed bacterium species and Malaysian scholars. Parabacteroides, Bellilinea, Levilinea, Smithella, Prolixibacter, and numerous other bacteria are among those mentioned in the publications. Some improvements have been observed before and after treatment, and the presence of bacteria did have a significant influence on the chemical reaction, which is evidence of POME treatment. To sum up, the paper will contribute to the global knowledge base and recent efforts to improve the current situation (too long HRT), particularly for new research with perspective approaches (biological treatment) to the field.