Oil Palm Industry Economic Journal Vol. 18 (2) September 2018 p. 26-36

Vegetable and Lauric Oils Market Trends in EU-28 Countries

Magdi Alimerigo El Sawi*
Received:    Accepted:    Available Online:


The market trend and consumption of vegetable oils have changed in the past decades. Focusing on the consumption trend of palm oil moving from food to non-food consumption and in recent years, the debate on the health and environmental impact on the oil revised users’ perception. The aim of this paper is to provide a general overview on vegetable oil consumption and trends, which focus on palm oil and debate, in the European Union (EU) and Italy (the second largest importer in Europe after the Netherlands). This study was conducted by collecting and analysing data, organic views of market trends can be obtained from a number of recognised sources, statistics and databases around the world before 2017. Europe is the core palm oil consumer, the second largest market for imports. The different oil mix consumption and their end use destination have been investigated as well as price comparisons between palm and palm kernel versus coconut oil, showing that palm oil has been affected in recent years, with a bearish trend with respect to the increase in the price of coconut oil. The debate on the effects of palm oil on health and the environment is also addressed and how as some companies that use palm oil have reacted to the debate, by introducing on the products’ packaging the “palm oil free” claim or adopting more and more in their oil mix sustainable palm oil. The findings of the analysis are that the consumption of palm oil in the EU is more oriented towards the biodiesel production than food. The approach to the debate in Italy (in the EU) led some companies to adopt the “Palm Oil Free” claim on their packages but, where used, the companies bought more and more Certified Sustainable Palm Oil (CSPO). Such behaviour suggests getting more CSPO.

Keywords: Palm Oil Debate, Palm oil free, EU Oil consumption, Italy oil Consumption, EU Oil Mix

About Post Author


* M.IT.C.C.I PR for Europe & Asia -
International Business Development
Consultant (MAES Consulting) for SERI
Michelangelo 12, 10126 Torino, Italy

E-mail: melsawi.maes@gmail.com