Job creation among youth is an often debated issue in many countries, including Malaysia. Nowadays, despite the rising unemployment rate, there is a shortage of manpower in certain sectors, especially the oil palm plantation sector. It raises the question of whether or not the youth are interested in working in this sector. A comprehensive study was conducted to answer this question. Along with it, this study also surveyed youth’s opinions on the factors that can motivate them to build a career in the oil palm plantation sector. A total of 724 youth in Malaysia were employed as respondents for this study and SmartPLS software was used to analyse the study data. The results found that youth still have the interest in getting involved in the oil palm plantation sector. The main motivators for their involvement are family, friends and society, followed by health and economic factors. The findings of this study are in line with the formation of the job selection theory developed in the early 1950s, in which family members play an important role in cultivating job interest. This indicates that the family plays a vital role in encouraging youth involvement in the oil palm plantations. Besides, to ensure their participation in the oil palm plantation sector, policymakers have to think of approaches to improve health and economic standards.