Oil Palm Industry Economic Journal Vol. 17 (1) March 2017 p. 7-15

Crop-livestock Integration among the Oil Palm Smallholders

Zaimah, R*; Novel Lyndon*; Sarmila, M S*; Mohd Yusof Hussain*; Kamil Azmi Tohiran**; Raja Zulkifli Raja Omar**; Nursuhana Dahari** and Hasmiza Desa**
Received:    Accepted:    Available Online:


This study attempts to analyse the extent to which integration in oil palm will continue to be practised by the smallholders and the extent to which integration will be able to increase their income. Data from a total of 140 oil palm smallholders were analysed in this study, using descriptive statistics. The findings show that the majority of the smallholders intend to continue integration in their oil palm in the future. On average, they are satisfied with the integration carried out over the years. However, only half of the smallholders agree that the integration is able to increase their family income. It is expected that the findings from this study will be used to enhance the practice of integration in oil palm smallholdings.

Keywords: smallholders, crop-livestock integration, continuity, productivity, income

About Post Author


* Social, Environmental and Developmental
Sustainability Research Centre (SEEDS),
Faculty of SOcial Science and Humanities,
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia,
43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia

E-mail: zaimahr@ukm.edu.my

** Malaysian Palm Oil Board,
6 Persiaran Institusi,
Bandar Baru Bangi,
43000 Kajang, Selangor,